Find the substring and its length which is in alphabetical order
1 min readFeb 21, 2024
Given String s of size n
Perform below operation to get the result
if(s(i-1) > s(i)) then delete s(i)
Find the highest substring which is in alphabetical order,
And the minimum number of operation required to sort the string
Note - All the charecters are on lower case
eg. s="ecddgcfkhek" , then the o/p substring is "egkk" operations - 7
package playground
object SubStringInAlphabeticalOrder extends App {
* Given String s of size n
* Perform below operation to get the result
* if(s(i-1) > s(i)) then delete s(i)
* Find the highest substring which is in alphabetical order,
* And the minimum number of operation required to sort the string
* Note - All the charecters are on lower case
* eg. s="ecddgcfkhek" , then the o/p substring is "egkk" operations - 7
* */
val s = "ecddgcfkhek"
case class A (var s: String, var i: Int)
val result: A = s.toSeq.foldLeft(A(s"", 0))((res, currentChar) => {
if (res.s.size > 0) {
if (res.s.charAt(res.s.length - 1).hashCode > currentChar.hashCode) {
A(res.s, res.i + 1)
//A(s"$res", res.i + 1)
} else A(s"${res.s}$currentChar", res.i)
} else A(s"${res.s}$currentChar", res.i)